
According to the World Economic Forum, the top skills required for the future are higher order thinking skills such as problem solving and creativity. But, studies show that only 4%. Classroom work requires these skills. Our mission is to help children develop creativity and critical thinking, while learning important computer science skills for success.

ICT Provide Coding Classes in Ahmedabad. Introducing computer programming to your kids with a simple, visual platform. Join a computer institute which teaches basics of coding, technology, and design through Scratch Software based program. Have fun with your kids and help them learn new skills by giving them access to basic computer and coding courses. Join a coding class today as a part of after school activity.

Coding Games For Kids

Computer Course for Kids

Computer Course for Kids in Ahmedabad

Coding for beginners

Course Content:
➢ Introduction to Scratch: How to get started and open an account
What is Scratch Editor and Code blocks

➢ Understanding the basics: Tool Bar, Block Palette, Code Area, Stage Area and other

➢ Animation, Costume and Loop

➢ Part 1: Paint, Motion Control, Loop and Coordinates
➢ Part 2: Master the Pen Tool, Add a Background, Turbo Mod

GAME: How to create “Guess the Number” game

➢ Working with Variables, Sensing and Operators
ANIMATION: How to make “Your Name Animation”

➢ Fun with Coordinates, Color, Size, Sounds and Backdrops
STORIES: Creating your story board and “Story Animation”

➢ Part 1: Create a Scene, Characters, Change Costume, Add Sound and Speech
➢ Part 2: Record Sound, Add Speech Bubble, Broadcast Message and Make a Movie
