
There is one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks. The paper is divided into two sections: A and B. Section A (Compulsory – 40 marks) consists of compulsory short answer questions covering the entire…

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PHP Training Course Ahmedabad What is PHP? PHP is a server-side scripting language and an interpreter. It allows developers to build logic and handle data returned from a web browser. The PHP script embedded into HTML documents is served by the webserver….

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//Java program to find minimum array element using recursion class ArrayClsMin { public int arrMin(int Arr[],int n) { if(n == 1) { return Arr[0]; } return Math.min(Arr[n-1],arrMin(Arr,n-1)); } } public class ArrayRec { public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayClsMin obj=new ArrayClsMin();…

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